How much would you pay for a coffee maker? Twenty bucks? One hundred dollars? $11,000? $11,000 for a coffee maker? Of course the Blossom One isn’t your average coffee brewing device, so I had to sit down with the president of Blossom, Jeremy Kuempel and learn a little bit more about this machine. In this ...

DSOC Podcast 6: The $11,000 Coffee Maker is a post from: Daily Shot Of Coffee Blog

How much would you pay for a coffee maker? Twenty bucks? One hundred dollars? $11,000?

$11,000 for a coffee maker? Of course the Blossom One isn’t your average coffee brewing device, so I had to sit down with the president of Blossom, Jeremy Kuempel and learn a little bit more about this machine.

In this podcast, the former intern at Apple, BMW and Tesla Motors explains why this coffee brewer is worth the price tag, why it makes the scientifically perfect cup of coffee and exactly who is their target market for this machine.

Fellow coffee geeks, will definitely appreciate Jeremy’s obsession with coffee. He just wanted to experiment to create the best tasting cup and get the most of the beans. Of course, then he just took it to another level.

Podcast Notes

Blossom: Website. Facebook. Twitter.

So what do you think. Is this coffee maker in your future?

DSOC Podcast 6: The $11,000 Coffee Maker is a post from: Daily Shot Of Coffee Blog