In Episode 1 of the Daily Matters podcast, Clio CEO and Co-founder Jack Newton talks with Judy Perry Martinez, President of the American Bar Association, about the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the legal profession.

During the conversation, Jack and Judy discuss the challenges legal professionals are facing right now, how the ABA is working to support the American legal community, and what kinds of long-term effects Judy expects this unprecedented crisis to have on the future of law.

Show Notes

Introduction: Clio CEO and Daily Matters host Jack Newton welcomes Judy Perry Martinez, President of the ABA.Judy talks about the challenges that law firms and legal organizations are facing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the ABA plans to help its members navigate through this difficult time.Judy discusses some of the resources the ABA provides to aid legal professionals in coping with stress and other mental health issues, particularly during moments of crisis.Jack asks Judy to share the things she learned about dealing with disasters based on her experiences responding to Hurricane Katrina in Louisianna.Jack talks about the need for lawyers to prepare for the COVID-19 crisis to last a number of months, and asks Judy’s advice on how lawyers should approach this situation.Judy describes how this pandemic is causing law firms of all sizes to undergo a rapid transformation by finding new ways to work—including remote work and the incorporation of new legal technology into their practices.Judy looks ahead at some of the major changes that might take place across the legal profession as a result of this experience.Jack asks for Judy to describe the COVID-19 Task Force that the ABA is putting together, and the work that this group will do.Judy talks about the ways that lawyers are inspiring her through their actions in response to this crisis, and why that drives her every day.Closing