On today’s KITM, David Waldman welcomes back Greg Dworkin who was out yesterday for Eastern Orthodox Yom Kippur.

All in all, yesterday was a good day for the left… although maybe not for some Obama right-wingers.

Surprise! A judge has ruled that TFFG committed fraud for years. Wouldn’t it have been weird if Donald Trump had left that single facet of his life uncorrupted? And wouldn’t it have been shocking had Donald accepted the blame this one time? Those multiple federal felony indictments mean Donald shouldn’t be receiving guns, but give his Supreme Court a chance and Trump will be back plinking off Dems on 5th avenue in no time.

Meanwhile, David’s old boss Bob might be forced into retirement soon. After all, Senator Robert Menendez probably has drawers full of gold watches by this point. 25 Democratic Senators, plus Dick Durbin are pointing Menendez to the exit… and right when Republicans were realizing just how much they had in common. What will the folks at the debate tonight say? 

A lot is happening at the Capitol, and absolutely none of it is good. The Senate and the House fight for the wheel, while hurtling towards the cliff with Kevin McCarthy strapped across the front bumper. Kev threw his very last bone to the Freedom Caucus, who really don’t mind going over the cliff at all.

The Alabama GOP will have to comply with a Supreme Court order striking down its racially gerrymandered map... “Supreme Court”? In Ohio they don’t need no stinkin’ “Supreme Court”!

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