On today’s KITM, by popular demand, David Waldman will continue our discussion of Canadian pirates. By greater popular demand, Greg Dworkin returns with another of his Raft O’ Stories®rrrrr, matey.

Remember TV’s Byron Allen? It’s okay if you don’t. Bryon is doing just fine without us. Mr. Allen is so well off now that he could even afford to dine with David Brooks.

Kevin McCarthy’s plan to hold the House together while avoiding government default is simple. He will keep giving in to right-wing extremists until Republicans are forced to accept whatever Democrats offer them. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has presented an even simpler solution to Republicans, the “F’ everybody and save my ass!” plan. (Donald’s now suddenly concerned about how he might look in orange.) Presently, Gop priorities center around lining up people to hand them their head in committee meetings.

Elsewhere, justice marches on. You could fill a stadium with lawyers embarrassed to have been associated with Trump. Trump’s fake electors are wondering if their sleeper cells had been sleeping enough to evade prosecution. Is Trump Employee 2 a model witness?

Trump Is the reason women can’t get abortions.

And yet, Trump has a really good feeling that he’s going to win the nomination. Ron DeSantis circles the drain, for 2024, and probably also 2028. Alabama is doing its part for their future Republicans, by keeping Black representation down to a minimum.

Nuns are fighting the Catholic patriarchy, which the Catholic patriarchy has determined disqualifies them from fighting the Catholic patriarchy

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