David Waldman brings us the Tuesday KITM, filled with… everything we’ve come to expect in our Tuesday KITMs.

FPOTUS, MAGA King Donald Trump golfed without clubs yesterday, and not just metaphorically. The former guy wasn’t golfing, arrested, or even dead. The event most people are impatiently waiting for, I’m guessing, is Trump’s arrest, and Attorney General Merrick Garland is definitely putting the effort in. Donald is going to have a hard time putting a foursome together with the DOJ issuing 40 subpoenas in its January 6 probe. Trump operative Mike Roman is soon to spend time in the barrel or under the bus, now that he’s been fingered as the January 6 false elector bagman.

Also on Garland’s to-do list, finding a special master to look over Trump’s stolen documents. Pretty much the only way to “find “one would be to accept the special master Trump’s team proposed, therefore that’s what the Garland team did.

Michigan Republicans tried flouting the will of the people ahead of the November ballot, and it did not work, this time.

Joan McCarter tells us there isn’t an impending government shutdown heading our way. It seems that DC is all just too busy for that nonsense this time around. Ron Johnson will, or will not, vote for marriage equality, but it doesn’t really matter as Susan Collins is on the case. The Scott Brown political dynasty might be coming to an end with his wife, Gail Huff Brown, looking at a third-place primary finish.

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