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David Waldman tells us that scholars and wacky podcasters agree on filibuster reform... and even true conservatives would support it if we could find any.

Greg Dworkin asks, Is this the week the logjam breaks? Democrats need to do something! Of course, no one expects Republicans to do anything. Actually, it is on two Democrats to matter. WTF, Kyrsten Sinema? People who attempt to divine Sinema’s motivations presuppose that she has some.

Don’t ask pundits. What do they know?

Protest organizers told Rolling Stone that they participated in dozens of planning meetings with congress and White House staff in preparation for the January 6 insurrection. More importantly, those sources are talking to the January 6th committee about those meetings. Mark Meadows knew violence was coming, but must have had guessed he’d be spared. Paul Gosar promised rioters blanket pardons. Prior to the January 6 insurrection, stooges Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon and John Eastman holed up in the Willard Hotel war room with Donald Trump calling in.
Only a couple of people are needed to overthrow the US, and they are being put into place. You can expose, subpoena, arrest, convict and execute traitors, but you know it only gives them “street cred”.

Joe Biden works to unite Catholics, while Donald Trump tore apart Evangelicals.

Texas' Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick offered to pay up to $1 million in bounties for information that led to arrest and conviction of voter fraud. Pennsylvania’s Lt. Gov. John Fetterman was eager to help Patrick out, and Dan was eager for John to shut up, so Texas had to pay up. A Las Vegas man railed against disgusting voter fraud, when in the end, he just hated himself.

Florida school Board member Jennifer Jenkins supports masks, so she received harassment, including accusations of child abuse. People would be crazy to take her job, and that’s exactly the kind who want it.

Listen to our archived episodes: RadioPublic|LibSyn|YouTube Support the show: Patreon|PayPal: 1x or monthly|Square Cash *

David Waldman tells us that scholars and wacky podcasters agree on filibuster reform... and even true conservatives would support it if we could find any.

Greg Dworkin asks, Is this the week the logjam breaks? Democrats need to do something! Of course, no one expects Republicans to do anything. Actually, it is on two Democrats to matter. WTF, Kyrsten Sinema? People who attempt to divine Sinema’s motivations presuppose that she has some.

Don’t ask pundits. What do they know?

Protest organizers told Rolling Stone that they participated in dozens of planning meetings with congress and White House staff in preparation for the January 6 insurrection. More importantly, those sources are talking to the January 6th committee about those meetings. Mark Meadows knew violence was coming, but must have had guessed he’d be spared. Paul Gosar promised rioters blanket pardons. Prior to the January 6 insurrection, stooges Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon and John Eastman holed up in the Willard Hotel war room with Donald Trump calling in. Only a couple of people are needed to overthrow the US, and they are being put into place. You can expose, subpoena, arrest, convict and execute traitors, but you know it only gives them “street cred”.

Joe Biden works to unite Catholics, while Donald Trump tore apart Evangelicals.

Texas' Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick offered to pay up to $1 million in bounties for information that led to arrest and conviction of voter fraud. Pennsylvania’s Lt. Gov. John Fetterman was eager to help Patrick out, and Dan was eager for John to shut up, so Texas had to pay up. A Las Vegas man railed against disgusting voter fraud, when in the end, he just hated himself.

Florida school Board member Jennifer Jenkins supports masks, so she received harassment, including accusations of child abuse. People would be crazy to take her job, and that’s exactly the kind who want it.

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