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It’s Tuesday and David Waldman is back! 

Well, not “back”, as he was “here” all along... Not “here”, actually, more like “there”... Although, he’s probably not “there” anymore, it’s lunch time... As a matter of fact, it all depends on when you read this...

Trump's judicial nominee Steven Menashi is also hampered by imprecise language. After all, who really knows what a “ghetto party” with toy guns and afro wigs really is? Donald Trump says investigating his crimes isn’t “like” lynching, Donald Trump says investigating his crimes is lynching. David reminds us to not believe anything Trump says until he shows you proof. The Constitution is right there in print, but Donald doesn’t believe it, however.

Sometimes, to understand fully what a person is all about, you just have to listen to them. If you can’t take too much of that, skip it, and just listen to David’s Trump voice performance and be thankful you don’t have to attend every meeting with that Dotard.

More witnesses come forward to attest Donald doesn’t know the meaning of “no”, “go away”, or “What the fuck are you doing, coming into my room?” He apparently always needs his hands to figure out dress sizes, bra materials, or whether he can lift some woman with one hand.

Around the world: Iraq says American troops leaving Syria, some, they assume, are good people, can not stay there. Swiss government usually runs like a very nice watch, but a nationwide referendum was turned back to 2016 on the grounds that voters were not given full information. KITM supporter Parleo tells us that over in Catalonia, which is over in Spain, an American resident faces deportation, accused of terrorism, jihadism and human trafficking, shortly after they caught him with his nuts in a flag.

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