David Waldman brings us the next best thing to a Wednesday KITM, a Thursday one!

That’s because both have Greg Dworkin, who has a right proper punt laden w’the colourful storeys for us.

Lettuce all romaine calm and carry on, UK’s Prime Minister Liz Truss has been tossed, leafing many chard feelings throughout His Majesty's Government. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg for Britain, already full of vinaigrette over the last several years. Are Truss’ salad days ahead of her?

Meanwhile, we hope to fix things around here in a couple of weeks. A lot of people are voting, a lot more than 2018, so odds are there are more smart people voting. Enough smart people? It’s hard to tell. 

It’s harvest season, when the leaves turn colors, and the farmers turn socialist. It’s also Covid season, now more for Red than Blue and White than Black.

Marco Rubio gives sanctimonious duplicitous Republican politicians a bad name.

Donald Trump still is running amok. Still being served in lawsuits, deposed in lawsuits, misleading investigators, lying to investigators, lying about his lying, misleading investigations. Wasn’t Liz Cheney supposed to fix all this? Nope! The only thing that can stop FPOTUS is the Youngkin/Lake ‘24 ticket.

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