Isn’t it time for Jim Jordan to just throw in the towel and hit the showers?

Well... not in so many words. But that’s why we have David Waldman and Greg Dworkin. David and Greg do have so many words, which they have deftly laid end to end to create today’s KITM.

Sean Hannity insists that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez somehow had the power to frighten Republicans away from voting for Jim Jordan as House Speaker, but maybe the real reason is that moderate Republicans can only squish so far before they explode. It turns out that the Hard Right might not be the saviors Elise Stefanik prayed they would be.

Donald Trump rants and raves like a lunatic, because he is one. If only he wasn’t such a dangerous lunatic though. Donald knocked off a few Russians but never got Christopher Steele for that dossier. If only Trump had hidden in a few refrigerators when he was younger…

Soon we might not have Vivek Ramaswamy to kick around, which is too bad, the guy seemed pretty kickable.

President Joe Biden, putting out fires around the world, stopped off at hotspot Israel.

The Gop’s secret to protecting gerrymandered electoral maps is to say that it is a secret.

School boards have an easier time teaching about racism, as long as it is” history”.

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