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Well, we blew it. Donald Trump noticed no one ever even read him his rights, so now there can be no impeachment. Not only that, but he’s now allowed to call double-impeach backsies on Pelosi, Schiff, Clinton, Obama, Maddow, etc.

David Waldman has an “opposing opinion”, of course, which he brings up on today’s KITM, along with the Wednesday help of Greg Dworkin and Joan McCarter:

A trio of schmegeggies might finally get their share of the tsuris. The recently resigned Mike Pompeo advisor Michael McKinley is testifying today. Former ambassador Kurt Volker makes a surprise return.  John Bolton will soon get his say. The line starts here. Here’s why Trump wants a House vote on impeachment. Oh, and ProPublica reveals never-before-seen Trump tax documents, showing a set of books for the tax guy and a set for the lender.

Alas, all Trump people are mentally ill to some level. Trump advisor Peter Navarro often quotes his invisible friend. Rudy Colludy, Donald’s bag man, also ran errands for Recep Erdoğan. Democrats are torn over whether to tear Giuliani a new one.

The Democrats don’t have a frontrunner. Shouldn’t they be doing something about that? Joan found about a dozen of them on TV last night, and took notes. She recommends staying out of fights and on topic, preferably healthcare.

In international, sort of, news: A couple of Brits drove around a moose or something and were captured by ICE along with their 3 month old. And, Donald Trump tried to introduce, Maury Povich stylea UK couple to the woman that ran over their son.

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