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David Waldman leads us on a in-depth discussion of Columbus Day... Indigenous Peoples' Day… Canadian Thanksgiving Day. Whatever you celebrate, you probably didn’t get the day off. No one gets a day off from Donald Trump, except maybe Donald Trump. He certainly must have figured a way out of having to live with himself.

Donald shot a lot of people on 5th Avenue this weekend, so maybe he had a point there in ‘16, or maybe he’s hoping for arriving ISIS immigrants to vote Trump 2020.

Trump followers have devised the most Trump-like revenge upon Kathy Griffith imaginable. Take it, libs!

Trump was lying about China. Often, and recently too.

David connects some more Ukraine-Trump-Lev Parnas-Dmytro Firtash-Giuliani dots. Rudy took Lev to a funeral, that surprisingly was neither of theirs. So much of this scheming spun around former Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, which might explain that hairstyle.

Fiona Hill was the White House’s former top adviser on Russia, so she might as well never bothered to come in to work. Apparently she did, though, therefore she showed up today at the Capitol to testify in the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

Susan Collins’ delicate sensibilities were chafed by a constituent who hopes she retires to a quiet, offense-free future. Speaking about winning Maine, Eric Posman brings another in a series of Senate Snippets audio missives explaining the how and why.

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