David Waldman brings us the Tuesday after the Tuesday that brought us the Pink Piddle, and the good news hasn’t yet stopped.

Joan McCarter is in to describe Democrats’ plotting their lame-duck priorities, starting with taking sharp objects away from House GOP. Too bad, they had been sharpening many of them to stick into Kevin McCarthy. It’s really the Freedom Caucus that Kevin, and the rest of us, need to worry about. 

To reassure MTG et al. on his leadership abilities, Kevin tried yelling at the help. That probably won’t get him to 218 votes however. The question is, who can get 230 out of the middle to follow them, even for a moment?  David Nir spreads out his spreadsheet.

Whether it helps or hinders the GQP, the Senate should vote now to save DACA.

Ah, emoluments! New documents detailing foreign spending at the Trump Hotel emerge. Today, the Trumps signed a $1.6 billion dollar deal with the Saudis. Donald Trump’s Jan. 6 lawsuit lands before one of his judges. Who’da thunk? Donald tells the Mar-a-Lago special master his legal philosophy “if he takes a thing, then it is his”.

For years now Republicans have told us about dead people voting in elections, but it turned out to not work as well as they thought.

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