David Waldman brings all the Friday vibes to a very Friday Friday.

Republicans don’t seem to love Donald Trump like they used to, which is okay by Donald as he has always despised each of themNo respect, even after all of the felonies he committed for them too! You’d never expect Trump to use racial slurs on Glen Youngkin, but Donald Trump always exceeds expectations.

Donald is having a bad week, but Elon’s is worse.

Sam Bankman-Fried made a billion on crypto, lost a billion, and in-between donated a few million to political campaigns. Washington wonders where the money went. Who knows? It’s crypto!  

Like cryptocurrency, conventional wisdom evaporated in the midterms. It could be that voters just didn’t like what Republicans stand for, nor their scary candidates. Even Kevin McCarthy wishes they were a better bunch. Defeated Republicans try to blend back into society, with varying success.

Democrats did prevent a Republican supermajority in the Wisconsin State Legislature, which could have opened the floodgates for the looneys. Reconciliation Is available to end debt limit hostage-taking.

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