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David Waldman and Greg Dworkin will carry us over the hump but will never drop us.

Covid vaccinations keep climbing, now that it’s kind of fun to stay alive. Vaccinated Americans are kicking back and enjoying themselves again. Be careful, though, and consider the lives of others.

“Arizona election auditors” —  Well, they are hardly “auditors” and Arizona disowns and discredits them —  There must be a better way to describe these peopleHow about “aud-iots”? Anyhow, these aud-iots have questions that can’t be solved by simple grift-metic, but would be solved by a swift kick in the pants, as demonstrated by the Michigan judge who just booted them out of Antrim County.

Biden and Trump agree more than you think — said one person on earth, and who outside of the journalism elite would believe that? There is an insurrection in progress, today, but to the MSM, that’s yesterday’s news. For some news sources and their viewers, it never even made the news, which is great news for the insurrectionists. Nancy Pelosi knows what she’s doing, again.

Also, and most importantly, Ol’ Smilin’ Joe Biden is the president. Almost as important, the former guy is not. Now that Donald isn’t a president, more and more people are noticing that Donald is a criminal.

Susan Collins better be concerned about why a criminal enterprise wanted her re-elected, as you know the FBI is. Why isn’t James O’Keefe in prison yet? It’s nice to have a good lawyer, but sometimes you need a good judge, or in O’Keefe’s case, a bad one.

Listen to our archived episodes: RadioPublic|LibSyn|YouTube Support the show: Patreon|PayPal: 1x or monthly|Square Cash  

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin will carry us over the hump but will never drop us.

Covid vaccinations keep climbing, now that it’s kind of fun to stay alive. Vaccinated Americans are kicking back and enjoying themselves again. Be careful, though, and consider the lives of others.

“Arizona election auditors” —  Well, they are hardly “auditors” and Arizona disowns and discredits them —  There must be a better way to describe these peopleHow about “aud-iots”? Anyhow, these aud-iots have questions that can’t be solved by simple grift-metic, but would be solved by a swift kick in the pants, as demonstrated by the Michigan judge who just booted them out of Antrim County.

Biden and Trump agree more than you think — said one person on earth, and who outside of the journalism elite would believe that? There is an insurrection in progress, today, but to the MSM, that’s yesterday’s news. For some news sources and their viewers, it never even made the news, which is great news for the insurrectionists. Nancy Pelosi knows what she’s doing, again.

Also, and most importantly, Ol’ Smilin’ Joe Biden is the president. Almost as important, the former guy is not. Now that Donald isn’t a president, more and more people are noticing that Donald is a criminal.

Susan Collins better be concerned about why a criminal enterprise wanted her re-elected, as you know the FBI is. Why isn’t James O’Keefe in prison yet? It’s nice to have a good lawyer, but sometimes you need a good judge, or in O’Keefe’s case, a bad one.

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