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David Waldman and Greg Dworkin. One of them watched the State of the Union so that you, and the other one, don’t have to.

But hey, it wasn’t that bad at all78% of Americans approved of President Joe Biden’s SOTU speech last night. Most viewers felt optimistic and proud. Joe did show strong support for Uranus, which might be appreciated, if inadvertent. No one would blame Joe for a gaffe, of course. Biden proposed to move into a new normal on COVID. Five Representatives who tested positive missed hearing him say that in person.

Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Traitor Greene thought they were Statler and Waldorf but revealed that they were only brainless puppets. Both are well armed, so don’t they have a plane to catch? It isn’t like they’d be breaking any laws, at least none that they’d understand. Could Congress let you seize a Russian Oligarch’s yacht? It’s not September 19 yet, but why not?

Ukraine is becoming The Mouse That Roared. (I prefer The Mouse on the Moon, but that analogy doesn’t fit as well.) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, prescient comedian, nimble dancer, voiceover bear, is becoming a war hero, and a big symbolic problem for Vladimir Putin.

Russian casualties expose a potential flaw in Putin’s strategy... if Putin was planning on Russian soldiers not being killed. This actually might have been the concept the first wave of invaders were operating on. It’s now dawning on many Russian troops that they could be the baddies in this story, and many are getting out while the getting’s good. Putin doesn’t have the option of surrender, however, and might be approaching his “kill or be killed” mindset. Vlad’s oligarch cronies might help him come to a conclusion on that. The Chinese also might be rethinking their support, while the Middle East is quietly browsing Home Depot’s bone-saw aisle. 

Vlad could really use Donny right about now. Of course, once thousands of Ukrainians are massacred this month, things will probably turn around for him. “Great political thinkers” believe that ”great men” like Vladimir Putin are like their great political opinions, both inscrutable and impossible to question. Meanwhile, Putin still plans to conquer the world. Russia takes a page from Glenn Youngkin.

Again, you know that Russia's preoccupied when they can't maintain their fake "grassroots" movements in the US anymore. The California truck freedom-fighters liberated themselves from each other, infuriating supporters who obviously weren’t really supporting them anyhow.

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