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David Waldman has Joan McCarter stop by for some leftover pi. There’s still .141592653589793238462643383279502884197 left, if anyone wants it.

Joe Manchin has made millions from coal and is blocking Sarah Bloom Raskin’s nomination to the Federal Reserve, Is Joe a dunderhead who doesn’t understand how electric vehicles work or is Joe a dunderhead looking to switch out coal mines for battery manufacturing plants and in turn pocket billions

Dunderheading can be quite profitable with little investment. So, while the Party of Ideas introduces serious immigration and education plans, the Party of No finds that a lack of rationality, a lot of hypocrisy and just the right amount of sociopathy will get them through the day. As Congress prepares for an address from Volodymyr ZelenskyyUkraine aid and COVID funding dominate their time in Congress. Rand Paul somehow found himself sane for a moment, but probably has something up his sleeve, like a letter from Putin

It turns out that “Ukraine biolabs” were cooked up by the US far-right, sold to dealers in Russia and China and injected directly into the veins of QAnon and MAGA. The Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio took notes on a criminal conspiracy, and then posed for pictures with the Oath Keepers. Madison Cawthorn came up with the brilliant idea of smuggling arms into the January 6 Insurrection, and the not-so-brilliant idea of telling it to Charlie Kirk. Tina Peters has been indicted for 10 counts in Colorado and went peaceably this time. Josh Hawley incited insurrection and he doesn't even get this lousy mug.

Georgia Republicans who just don’t trust the 2020 election results, just don’t trust Black people either, but as long as they know their place, they can stay awhile.

Children shoot adults, adults shoot children, children shoot children, again and again and again.

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