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David Waldman opens up his KITM Tuesday tapas bar of political news delights:

Bringing back a mask mandate would be a good idea” say doctors who apparently have never met people.

Madison Cawthorn is a self-described “big history buff” who doesn’t know history, and might not understand what “buff” means.

Rex Tillerson spent 40 years climbing the ladder at Exxon, but greed, hubris, and Donald Trump are guaranteed to bring anyone to their knees.

The Arizona ballot fraudit impresses ignorant deluded people, but few others. The Department of Justice believes that the features of Georgia’s new voting laws are in actuality, bugs.

William Barr says that just because he ordered “election fraud investigations”, it doesn’t mean he believed they were valid. Donald Trump says that just because he said he’d “march with insurrectionists to the capitol”, that he was actually going. Ivanka Trump says that just because she testified that she played “no role in planning inaugural events”, that she wasn’t always in there making sure she got hers.

We kept the filibuster, so we didn’t get a $15 federal minimum wage. Rich, aka Liberal Thinking, Admin of All Daily Kos Progressives, points out there are other paths to a minimum income goal, proposing equality payments.

Joan McCarter reports on the local weather: It's HOT! Also, national politics:

The House is voting this week to toss out their old insurrectionist knick-knacks, although it’s their new ones that are really tacky.

Toyota was considering not handing money to insurrectionist lawmakers, but then realized that there are many fine people on both sides buying their cars, and one doesn’t really need a democracy to buy their cars, just a good credit score.

What would the Supreme Court know about voting access and suppression? We will find out soon, along with their thoughts on megadonor anonymity.

Listen to our archived episodes: RadioPublic|LibSyn|YouTube Support the show: Patreon|PayPal: 1x or monthly|Square Cash *

David Waldman opens up his KITM Tuesday tapas bar of political news delights:

Bringing back a mask mandate would be a good idea” say doctors who apparently have never met people.

Madison Cawthorn is a self-described “big history buff” who doesn’t know history, and might not understand what “buff” means.

Rex Tillerson spent 40 years climbing the ladder at Exxon, but greed, hubris, and Donald Trump are guaranteed to bring anyone to their knees.

The Arizona ballot fraudit impresses ignorant deluded people, but few others. The Department of Justice believes that the features of Georgia’s new voting laws are in actuality, bugs.

William Barr says that just because he ordered “election fraud investigations”, it doesn’t mean he believed they were valid. Donald Trump says that just because he said he’d “march with insurrectionists to the capitol”, that he was actually going. Ivanka Trump says that just because she testified that she played “no role in planning inaugural events”, that she wasn’t always in there making sure she got hers.

We kept the filibuster, so we didn’t get a $15 federal minimum wage. Rich, aka Liberal Thinking, Admin of All Daily Kos Progressives, points out there are other paths to a minimum income goal, proposing equality payments.

Joan McCarter reports on the local weather: It's HOT! Also, national politics:

The House is voting this week to toss out their old insurrectionist knick-knacks, although it’s their new ones that are really tacky.

Toyota was considering not handing money to insurrectionist lawmakers, but then realized that there are many fine people on both sides buying their cars, and one doesn’t really need a democracy to buy their cars, just a good credit score.

What would the Supreme Court know about voting access and suppression? We will find out soon, along with their thoughts on megadonor anonymity.

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