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David Waldman saves the world one podcast at a time, and this day with Joan McCarter!

Nope, New York City police were not poisoned. Shake Shack employees are not antifa agents. Don Jr. did try to poison the well, but failed.

A protester in New Mexico was shot while removing a local genocidal-conquistador statue. Both the protester and the shooter were not antifa.

5 black men have been found dead by hanging in the past two weeks. It’s not suicide.

Donald Trump purportedly signed an executive order to make Black lives matter. They do, but it will not.

A million or so 100% racism and virus free MAGA ralliers head to Tulsa this weekend. Coronavirus is not the flu. The pandemic is not over. You might not ever fully recover if you catch COVID-19, in fact, you could be crippled for life.  Commonly used steroid dexamethasone however, will help you not die. By the way, Hydroxychloroquine does not save, and could end, lives.

Tom Rice finds that sometimes wearing a mask and sometimes social distancing does not always prevent COVID-19. The DC National Guard finds their weaponry does not slow the virus. Chances are equal that they brought it to protesters as visa versa because the Guard did not screen themselves before deployment.  By the way, The National Guard was not kicked out of their hotels.

West Virginia churches discover that piousness does not totally prevent illness.

The Supreme Court rules that no one can be fired for being gay or transgender. Franklin Graham is not happy. Susan Collins is not surprised. Donald Trump does not quite get it, but he has people that do, and they are still at war with LGBTQ+ people. But-for the grace of God…

The White House’s top Russia expert, Fiona Hill, was not Donald Trump’s secretary. Donald Trump does not really love Kim Jong Un. By the way, Kim is aware of this

Mitch McConnell expertly trolls using his vast cache of heinous behavior as a template. Sebastian Gorka might run Voice of America.

Ever hear of Gop rising star Nick Freitas?  Even he has a hard time remembering his name, forgetting to put it on the ballot for his reelection two years in a row. Republican Bob Good apparently also skipped his own mind.

And for some reason... The judge in Jeffrey Epstein grand jury case has ties to those with a stake in outcome. Republicans benefiting from the Paycheck Protection Program are opposed to requiring transparency.  The group backing voting suppression is backed by dark money.

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