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David Waldman and Greg Dworkin celebrate National KITM Day today, or is it Eastern Orthodox KITM Day? I get the days mixed up.

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse is still dead. Haitians are only certain about that one thing. Darwin Darko, Senior Haitian Correspondent, tells us Jovenel might have acted too Donald for some. The assassination squad identified as Americans, because that’s just what they would do... 

Tucker Carlson caught the National Security Agency’s attention after only a few private calls to Vladimir Putin. 

There is still a COVID pandemic. Since Donald Trump said he’d deliver the miracle cure, almost as many Americans have died of COVID as were lost in all four years of World War II, both from combat and all other causes. In some areas it is as bad as it ever has been, with Delta variant cases overwhelming hospitals. Those are the areas where many are rejecting vaccines. That is Trump country, where vaccination rates are tied to Fox News and OANN viewership. Will a different messenger convince those people who watched friends and family die from coronavirus, and yet still refused to be vaccinated? They’d rather argue whether the virus came from a Wuhan lab or not. Proving them wrong on that probably won’t get them vaccinated either. Once the virus is finished in their holler, it might not emerge as the same virus, but something worse. 

A school board meeting turned into an anti-mask riot, but why would you expect school board meeting attendees to be concerned about education? You don’t expect town hall attendees to be interested in governance anymore. Governance is the last thing Trump voters are looking for. It is loyalty to the cause that is important. Loyalty is so important to Republicans that they won’t hesitate to knife each other in the back under suspicion of disloyalty.

A few shamed evangelicals prefer to be called Protestant now.

Rudy Giuliani's D.C. law license was suspended, which kind of makes sense, as he is an idiot. Donald Trump’s present legal representatives are pretty stupid also, and you know, Donald isn’t that much of a genius himself.

Listen to our archived episodes: RadioPublic|LibSyn|YouTube Support the show: Patreon|PayPal: 1x or monthly|Square Cash *

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin celebrate National KITM Day today, or is it Eastern Orthodox KITM Day? I get the days mixed up.

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse is still dead. Haitians are only certain about that one thing. Darwin Darko, Senior Haitian Correspondent, tells us Jovenel might have acted too Donald for some. The assassination squad identified as Americans, because that’s just what they would do... 

Tucker Carlson caught the National Security Agency’s attention after only a few private calls to Vladimir Putin. 

There is still a COVID pandemic. Since Donald Trump said he’d deliver the miracle cure, almost as many Americans have died of COVID as were lost in all four years of World War II, both from combat and all other causes. In some areas it is as bad as it ever has been, with Delta variant cases overwhelming hospitals. Those are the areas where many are rejecting vaccines. That is Trump country, where vaccination rates are tied to Fox News and OANN viewership. Will a different messenger convince those people who watched friends and family die from coronavirus, and yet still refused to be vaccinated? They’d rather argue whether the virus came from a Wuhan lab or not. Proving them wrong on that probably won’t get them vaccinated either. Once the virus is finished in their holler, it might not emerge as the same virus, but something worse. 

A school board meeting turned into an anti-mask riot, but why would you expect school board meeting attendees to be concerned about education? You don’t expect town hall attendees to be interested in governance anymore. Governance is the last thing Trump voters are looking for. It is loyalty to the cause that is important. Loyalty is so important to Republicans that they won’t hesitate to knife each other in the back under suspicion of disloyalty.

A few shamed evangelicals prefer to be called Protestant now.

Rudy Giuliani's D.C. law license was suspended, which kind of makes sense, as he is an idiot. Donald Trump’s present legal representatives are pretty stupid also, and you know, Donald isn’t that much of a genius himself.

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