I, David Waldman, and Greg Dworkin return for a Thursday KITM.

Mitch McConnell freezes while the rest of the world bakes. Carry a spatula in Arizona so that you don’t stick to the pavement. Forget about frying eggs on the sidewalk, you can poach them in the ocean. Canadian bacon is now creosote smoked. Even space aliens might not be able to save us soon.

Kind of a bummer that Donald Trump’s cell will be airconditioned. Members of Jack Smith’s DC federal grand jury have started arriving at the Prettyman courthouse, while Elite Strike Force member Rudy Colludy Giuliani surrenders, his troops attempting to blend into the scenery. On the other hand, Trump’s present bunker seems to be getting pretty sweaty as he runs out of suicide mission volunteers. 

But what about Billy Carter 2.0, Hunter Biden? Hunter’s plea deal exploded when lawyers on both sides assumed… and you know what happens when lawyers assume. Republicans figure they don’t need Biden convictions when accusations work just as well. Does anyone remember when Jared Kushner…? No, but maybe someday.

Meanwhile Bidenomics is the most successful intervention since FDR’s New Deal, and as it is always the economy, stupid, Joe Biden has 2024 in a landslide of, well, maybe a point or two.

Everyone’s surprised (But mostly Vladimir Putin) that Ukraine has been able to slowly turn around the war, as opposed to quickly dying. There are lessons to be learned here, and we better be learning them.

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