David Waldman’s famous nom de plume, “Kagro X”, suddenly doesn’t have the cachet it once held, now that Elon is pasting “X” on everything. The old bird social media site is now an X media site, and its tweets are… Well, whoever cared what an X ever had to say anyhow?

Greg Dworkin shows up with not one, but TWO Rafts O’ Stories™ The Gop is doing it wrong and doubling down. Ron DeSantis leads that effort, but that’s all he will be leading. Ron is burning through donations and campaign staff in order to maintain the lifestyle he’s accustomed to. The DeSantis reboot aims to be leaner and meaner, but mostly meaner. He’s certainly tightening up his number of followers. Florida students are set to learn that the reason slaves were always so happy was because of all the on-the-job training they received. Ron disavows ever saying anything that nice.

Ohio’s August vote might demonstrate how a plurality of voters still favor democracy and humanity.

DeSantis is presently running a distant second… or third, or fourth behind Donald Trump, who is running a not too distant, but not too close second behind President Joe Biden. Maybe the one to watch is Tim Scott, the Un-Trump. “None of the Above” isn’t faring well but does awfully once any names are attached.

Donald Trump never understood what being a President means, and if reelected will guarantee that no one ever will again. Imagine what the Supreme Court will do for Trump next time… unless you are German, then that would be a little too much imagination.

That reminds me, things keep happening elsewhere on Earth. Israeli lawmakers revoked their Supreme Court's authority to overturn government decisions. And, if you don’t know what Karl is doing in Ukraine, you don’t know half the story.

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