Quit tapping your app, David Waldman was not streaming “live” today. He is “here”, though, and as yesterday recording so that you only need to defer your punditry gratification for a short while.

Now that Greg Dworkin is here also, we have to talk about the Iowa Caucus again, but only for a moment as the Gop primary quickly moves on to dumber things. Sentimental favorite Ron DeSantis got second, yet you got to hope that cute little cuss survives for a few more states. The big news is that 30% of Gop voters wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump if he was “convicted”. Weird how they don’t consider Donald’s present convictions relating to fraud, rape, and slander as counting “enough”, isn’t it?

After all, even Jesus had his share of courtroom trouble, but Donald Trump promises much more smiting to avenge his followers. Republicans know exactly what Trump’s promised land will look like, and it looks like... a Trump rally. Nikkki Haley can tell you there won’t be any racism there… There never was. Too bad Donald can’t even heal himself.

The US economy is like Wayde Byard, unfairly maligned, now on the comeback to becoming appreciated. Speaking of the Commonwealth of Virginia, rural militias are contemplating well-regulating a few county governments.

David returns to his tour of the “Dunning School”, not some brick-and-mortar school, but William Archibald Dunning’s popular rationalization of historiographic racism still permeating educational systems around the country, including yours.

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