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Donald Trump personally directed a conspiracy to use taxpayer dollars to destroy his political rivals and rig the election. Sure, you know that already. You’ve known it for a long time, because you listen to KITM. David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are on today to tell you a few more things you didn’t know, but will know months before anyone else:

Lev Parnas is an anagram for nasal perv. Now you know!

Maybe you have heard about Lev ParnasEveryone knows who Lev Parnas is nowDevin Nunes says “Oh you mean THAT ‘Lev Parnas”!” His name is even beginning to ring Mike Pence’s bell. By the end of the week even Donald Trump might get to know him

And, the Trump Administration illegally withheld assistance from Ukraine and the public evidence shows that the president himself ordered this illegal act. Oh, yes, you knew that.  Now, so does the Government Accountability Office. By the end of the week even Bill Barr might find out.

Robert Hyde, new comical lawn gnome in the Ukraine scandal, repeat stalker, who violated a restraining order, was involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation, and had his guns confiscated by the police, knows Donald Trump. More importantly Donald Trump knows him. Wait a sec… a guy with mental issues, connected to mysterious Chinese billionaires, low on security radar as an American citizen running for office… eh, probably nothing.

If it wasn’t for all of of this, all we’d have to talk about is Trump’s other corruption. Don’t worry, we can always add a few more articles of impeachment.

Iowa, first in the nation, last in coherence, throws off all bets.

Virginia’s Governor says “back off, boogaloo, boo!” with a declaration of emergency after armed militias threaten to storm the capitol.

The Virgin Islands Attorney General hopes to foreclose on Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island. Everyone else justs wants to sink it.

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