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It’s Monday on KITM. Time for David Waldman and Greg Dworkin to cooperatively overlap us into a new week. No dead air between those two!

The Boy Scouts celebrate their first group of female Eagle Scouts! 16 year old Isabella Tunney needed 21 merit badges to qualify, but earned all 137.

The US can make vaccine access more equitable, but the prime challenge will be in building trust with vulnerable people through mutual respect... unless, of course, they’re morons

America’s largest gathering of the biggest idiots is the Conservative Political Action Conference, or “CPAC”. Donald Trump is CPAC, and will attempt to become “the GOP” there, on his way to return to the presidency the following week. Who will stop him? There is no room for anti-Trumpers in the Republican party. There is no room for somewhat-Trumpers in the Republican party. Most Republicans don’t even want themselves in the Republican party. There certainly is no room for reality left in the Trump party, which poses quandaries for fact-based journalists.

It will be a bonanza for lawsuits, though. The Supreme Court declined to halt the turnover of Donald Trump’s tax records to New York state prosecutors. Trump will never turn them over, no matter how many of his chumps and lackeys go to prisonTed Cruz, on the other hand, can’t even buy a friend right now. Texans hate how much they like AOC, presently, because of Ted. Ron Desantis can’t pay off his supporters with vaccines either. Compared with those guys, Trump gets away with murder.

On January 6, what did Nancy Pelosi know, and when did she know it? The same as Mitch McConnell, it turns out. An Oath Keeper leader that broke into the Capitol wonders if maybe Antifa secretly sent her there.

It has been revealed that Donald Trump tried to lure Kim Jong-un on to Air Force One. Kim just refused to take their relationship there.

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