
What a day to be out! But maybe it's for the best, just for today. Maybe you'd rather just wrap yourself up in the comfort of an old show. Like our May 3, 2021 episode.

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin were back together again! Their pent-up news energy threatened to explode at any minute (as did Greg’s computer).

Good news! The world has emerged victorious over influenza this year! COVID-19, not yet. India is calling their pandemic response a crime against humanity.

In the US, “herd immunity” has probably fallen out of reach, but we might not need to achieve it to reach normalcy, which could mean something like seasonal flu death rates. About 56% of U.S. adults have received at least one shot, with the more vaccinated areas receiving more benefits. The Johnson & Johnson pause didn’t really increase vaccine hesitancy, it’s just that some will get around to it when they get around to it, and some are just cops, and you go and try to make a cop do a thing.

Even fake cops can be pretty cocky, although the “Arizona Rangers” are just grifters with badges.

Schools got air TROUBLE my friend! With a capital ”T”, that rhymes with “P” and that stands for “unproven” air cleaner technology sold by traveling hucksters, looking for their piece of institutional pie.

Meanwhile, Republicans be Republicaning. Systemic racism got them here, but lies… and more lies will need to keep them here. Republicans long for the days when their insurrecting had a shelf life. One news team plans on remembering for once. The Gop hopes that more poll watchers will abuse their positions in the future. Of course, they assume poll watchers are just like them.

The Giuliani two-man clown car is crashing and burning, and you can bet they’ll find more clowns in the trunk.

The nation smiles at President Joe Biden, and Uncle Joe smiles back in unity. Republicans might even be feeling it a little bit

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