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Sure, to listen to David Waldman and Greg Dworkin rehearse “Two of Us” dozens of times this morning is to behold genius, but pay attention to their banter and you’ll discover plenty about politics. It’s when David invites Armando to sit in on the second half where the band really shines!

Other than fixing things for rich people, Republicans have had only one issue and that’s eliminating abortion rights. Now what will they do? Republicans are certainly anti-woman, but they haven’t managed to eradicate them quite yet, therefore women are sure to retaliate, right?

The Supreme Court, and Susan Collins, would like you to know it wasn’t their fault. Except for Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. Those two are laying down a Trumpian stink that SCOTUS will never be able to get out.

The economy is improving! Supply chains are disentangling! Joe Biden should tell someone! But really Americans are conditioned to believe they’ll never be rich enough, so the economy is never “fixed” is it? Meanwhile, the government is about to shut down again.

Donald Trump keeps having bad days, but he might have already taken us with him. Conservative areas committing suicide to make Biden look bad is a weird flex, but maybe wiping compost all over themselves will help. Joe Biden offers rational solutions instead.

Listen to our archived episodes: RadioPublic|LibSyn|YouTube

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Sure, to listen to David Waldman and Greg Dworkin rehearse “Two of Us” dozens of times this morning is to behold genius, but pay attention to their banter and you’ll discover plenty about politics. It’s when David invites Armando to sit in on the second half where the band really shines!

Other than fixing things for rich people, Republicans have had only one issue and that’s eliminating abortion rights. Now what will they do? Republicans are certainly anti-woman, but they haven’t managed to eradicate them quite yet, therefore women are sure to retaliate, right?

The Supreme Court, and Susan Collins, would like you to know it wasn’t their fault. Except for Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. Those two are laying down a Trumpian stink that SCOTUS will never be able to get out.

The economy is improving! Supply chains are disentangling! Joe Biden should tell someone! But really Americans are conditioned to believe they’ll never be rich enough, so the economy is never “fixed” is it? Meanwhile, the government is about to shut down again.

Donald Trump keeps having bad days, but he might have already taken us with him. Conservative areas committing suicide to make Biden look bad is a weird flex, but maybe wiping compost all over themselves will help. Joe Biden offers rational solutions instead.