David Waldman slipped Greg Dworkin’s timecard through the clock today as Greg’s off “on assignment”, or something. Don’t worry, Greg should be back tomorrow!

A Tennessee bill proposes to eliminate pedophilia simply... by putting a ring on it. No longer will marriage be held back by age, psychiatric disorders or mental capacity. It’s not “grooming” if your spouse isn’t old enough to comb their own hair, is it? TN Representative John Rose met his future wife back in high school… when he was agriculture commissioner. Fellow TN Rep. David Byrd was named chairman of an education subcommittee, and in three women's sexual assault allegations from when he was a high school coach. Byrd has learned his lesson… at least about vaccination, once COVID almost killed him.

So, that's why it's “Moms for Liberty” pushing “Don’t Say Gay” bills in red states, because man, you don’t want to consider the “Dad”s’ histories… but let’s! For instance, Dennis Hastert was the longest Republican-complicit, felon/Speaker of the House in history. Then there’s Rep. Mark Foley. You might remember him in connection with “The Mark Foley Scandal”, in which he texted… uhm, ewwwwwww! Anyhow, like Hastert and several other Dads for Liberty, Mark was very, very anti-gay, in theory.

Ohio’s “Don’t Say Gay” clone bill was recently introduced by Jean “Mean Jean” Schmidt, who identifies as “female” presumably, or else why would they have let her in the Capitol women’s restroom to sully Michelle Bachmann’s vomit? 

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