David Waldman and Greg Dworkin deliver another KITM still completely untainted by billionaires.

In other world domination news, Russia ain’t doing so well. There are mysterious explosions throughout Russia, or at least they’re a mystery to Russians, especially Russian commanders who find it hard to stay in one piece, even on their side of the front. No one expected a woke army to be so tough to fight. No one expected Vladimir Putin’s planning to be so inadequate. No one expected Joe Biden’s handling of Ukraine to be so disciplined and appropriate. Unless they put some thought into it, of course.

Rand Paul isn’t interested that a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation, blah blah blah, but why isn’t Ukraine more interested in making the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics great again?

Is Rand always a pursed-mouth pompous prick, or does he just play one on TV?  Kevin McCarthy, and several other members of the GQP were caught acting as if they weren’t imbeciles on audio. Which, if there’s one thing Republican voters would never abide, it would be that. Expert on shameless idiocy Tucker Carlson now has his panties in a bunch over this eruption of rationality.

You will never catch Madison Cawthorn being intelligent, but you have a great chance of catching him doing everything else. If Cawthorn can be reelected, we might just deserve everything coming our way. What could Matt Maddock have possibly done to have himself ejected from the Michigan House Republican Caucus? Don’t they know that Matt is a great personal friend of Donald Trump? Does Trump? Evan McMullin promises to not care about anyone if elected.

Marine Le Pen will have a hard time being France’s Trump if she can’t domineer her idiots. Is Hungary’s Viktor Orbán evangelicals’ new Vladimir Putin?

COVID-19. Half of us caught it, and so has Kamala Harris.

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