It’s Thursday, and David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are back to discuss everything important and newsworthy... except flamethrowing robot dogs. That subject remains woefully under-reported here.

Kids nowadays! What’s with all of these anti-war protests at campuses? Quit acting like your grandparents and get a job! Oh, and if you want to appear sensible, don’t demonstrate overt support for either the Viet Cong or Hamas.

MintPress might smell fresh, but should probably remain only a garnish on your news media diet.

Pecker got Trump into his present criminal trial, and Pecker might just convict him, along with 40 other witnesses there to cut Donald down to size.

An Arizona grand jury indicted Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani and Boris Epshteyn plus many more for 2020 election interference. Donald Trump is “Unindicted Co-conspirator #1” in Arizona, and over in Michigan as well. Arizona Gop Chair Kelli Ward will hopefully get to see the arrest, perp walk and jail time that she had requested. Christina Bobb is the lawyer overseeing the RNC's "election integrity" efforts, and now will have on-the-job training as a defendant. More swing states will soon swing into action on their fake electors as more Gop money is transferred to lawyers. Donald will thank them all someday, just as he thanked Bill Barr for his service. 

All of this should worry President Joe Biden. Ask any Nate, and they’ll tell you that Dems are in disarray and Trump’s only problem is having any party to run against in November.

Meanwhile, in the Republican House, everything is as solid as their Biden impeachment efforts.

Trump only needs is 5 votes, and he can put all of this aggravation behind him.

RIP Donald Payne, six-term Congressman from New Jersey. David’s old enough to know his dad!

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