David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are back and awake as ever for the Thursday KITM!

Mike Johnson has been attempting to find the balance between allowing Ukraine to die at the hands of the Russians, or pretending to help only to arrive too late. Counting votes for Mike is made tougher by the everchanging vote to ruble exchange rate in the Gop House. C-Span could open a 24/7 kompromat video feed.

Over at the Senate, it didn’t take long to flush the House’s impeachment stunt. Republicans weren’t really trying, as impeachment was never really their goal.

Arizona Republicans are happy to stick it to Democrats on abortion for as long as they have their jobs. 

A disgruntled employee attempted to destroy his company on the way out, and almost did too, as NPR had already inflicted plenty on itself already.

The Trump campaign is in deeper trouble than you think. Joe Biden is way ahead in several demographics. The DCCC has double the money as the NRCC. Donald Trump may not even win the election. If he does, this time he wants a bigger cut.

We’re back down to 5 jurors on Trump’s election interference/peener trouble trial, once more jurors realized how dangerous mob trials can get. It isn’t as if Donald didn’t warn them.

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