Previous Episode: Heistsploitation

In the first volume of GRINDHOUSE GROOVES, assistant editor Mike Vanderbilt A.V CLUB news editor Katie Rife take a listen to the RESERVOIR DOGS soundtrack.


Released in 1992, this collection of songs (and excerpts of dialogue) was a touchstone for many a young cinephile. After diving into what was in theaters and on the charts in October of '92, the hosts go track by track, offering fun facts on the tunes as well as some nostalgic waxing on where they were the first time they heard them. They also may or may not have just polished off two bottles of wine.

 You can also check Mike and Katie out on their REVENGE OF THE POD PEOPLE podcast, available on iTunes & Stitcher.

Please, listen and share the premiere episode of GRINDHOUSE GROOVES! There’s more to come. Contact Mike Vanderbilt at [email protected] if you’re interested in coming on.