I’m blessed to be who I am today, but there was one time when I didn’t have much faith. I wasn’t the most confident girl and I didn’t think I was worthy of doing greater in my life. No, I was was not raised that way. My mother told me I was great, wonderful and could do anything I wanted to do. She loved me all the time.

So, why didn’t I feel as confident as I should have? I let life get the best of me. I let people intimidate me. I let people muzzle me. For some reason I started believing people than what my mother had ingrained in me. I was walking in fear, not faith.

Then one day I started believing God more — the Lord Jesus more. Yes, I started believing what His Word said and always says. I started paying attention to His spirit in me. And all of that played into who I am today, Sharon, the Faith Coach who helps emerging & aspiring faith-based female entrepreneurs use their God-given gift to serve others, create online businesses, and get financial freedom.

And if God did it for me, He will do it for you too. There’s more for your life and you are not alone.
