Hello Friday! Devon O'Reilly is on the line and we talk about a few things around metro Detroit.

01:51 - The owner of the beloved Mati's Deli, Lou Weinstein, has died. The shop is closed for now for bereavement. Devon's been going to the deli for years. 

04:13 - Where has Devon been? He tried the coastal Italian place Tiliani that recently opened in West Dearborn. He shared all his tasty thoughts. 

07:39 - Should a 32 hour work week be the norm? The UAW, as one of the goals of current talks between the union and the Detroit 3 automakers, wants a 32 hour work week. What do you think? 

13:19 - Fixin's Soul Kitchen is coming to Detroit. Founded by Ex-NBA star and former Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson, it's going to open in Detroit's Paradise Valley either in mid December or early next year. This should help add some restaurant and retail life to a beautiful street that doesn't have as much activity as it should. 

17:55 - Sanders is bring back their toppings, including fudge and caramel. Production had been halted for awhile.

19:08 - Black Cherry Vernors is back everywhere, to Devon's dismay.

As a reminder, we're on a summer schedule the next week, with shows Monday, Wednesday and Friday instead of our normal five days a week. 

Feedback as always - dailydetroit - at - gmail - dot - com or 313-789-3211 

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