If you’re a long time listener to this show, you may have caught on that one of the reasons we’re here is a love of places. Specifically our places.

The Detroit tri-county area includes, well, three counties, made up of more than 130 cities, townships and villages.

And yes, even part of a ghost town.

You could zoom in again and see countless neighborhoods and block clubs and associations - all the way down to the street you see out your window.

In these places, there are stories wherever you look. You might find the next time you go on a run, or walk your dog, or notice that one thing over your backyard fence that you never thought about before.

And when you travel, if you keep your eyes open, you’ll see their stories, too. It’s pretty cool.

Now, there’s a field guide for these things to help you on your journey. It’s called the 99% Invisible City, and it’s by Roman Mars.

Who is my guest today.

Grab the book: https://99percentinvisible.org/book/

Follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/romanmars

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