Lots of topics to talk about. Norris Howard is out, he'll be back later - Devon O'Reilly and Fletcher Sharpe are in with Jer.

00:58 - Tigers longtime broadcaster Jim Price has died

04:05 - Sixto Diaz Rodriguez of searching for Sugarman documentary fame also passed away

08:41 - We're finalists (top ten) for the best News and Politics podcast in the country

12:09 - Where we've been - Columbus, playing soccer at COPA, and Devon has a new office at the day job

22:57 - Detroit City FC preview vs. Charleston Battery

24:27 - It's not just a Baltimore announcer that's been suspended. Other teams do bush league behavior, too. Fletcher tells one story.

Feedback as always - dailydetroit - at - gmail - dot - com or 313-789-3211

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