In so many ways, the time is now for Metro Detroit and Michigan to act to compete and reach our full potential.

Today's episode has a ton of topics, but they all do kind of go together.

Where we've been:

01:48 - Devon went to the LinkedIn offices in a historic pair of Detroit buildings.

06:30 - Jer was at the MichAuto Summit, and shares some takeaways especially from Duo Security founder Dug Song who had some stunning statistics to pay attention to and act on for the future. Ohio and Ontario are leaning hard into attracting talent.

13:55 - We discuss new QLINE funding for the next 17 years, where the money will come from and if a major change needs to be made to make it run better

18:00 - We get into more of the lifestyle side of the city's capital investment priorities including money for Hart Plaza and a rebuilt shed for Eastern Market. But you should check out the full list:

21:19 - The Dearborn Inn is closed for now, but has big plans. Devon gets into the trailblazing history of the former airport hotel.

Thanks to this episode's sponsor, Smith & Co. in beautiful Midtown Detroit -

Sponsors do not decide or have input on the content of the show within unless we clearly say "hey, we're talking to a sponsor," and this is not one of those cases.


or dailydetroit -at- gmail -dot- com