Previous Episode: Sukkah, Daf 8
Next Episode: Sukkah, Daf 10

Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Lewis Warshauer looks at Masechet Sukkah Daf 9. This page begins with a continuation of the Mishnah, which records a debate about the validity, for the purposes of the festival, of a sukkah that was built a month or more before the festival and/or for […]

Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Lewis Warshauer looks at Masechet Sukkah Daf 9.

This page begins with a continuation of the Mishnah, which records a debate about the validity, for the purposes of the festival, of a sukkah that was built a month or more before the festival and/or for a purpose other than the festival. The question of the validity of a sukkah built during the festival is also discussed. On the subject of purpose-made, the Gemara draws a comparison to tziziot, the ritual fringes on garments, and whether they need to be made for the purpose of the commandment that mandates wearing them. A new Mishnah introduces question of the validity of a sukkah built under a tree and a sukkah built on top of another sukkah, which the Gemara then proceeds to discuss.

The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.