Previous Episode: Nazir, Daf 2
Next Episode: Nazir, Daf 4

Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Joe Rosenstein looks at Masechet Nazir, Daf 3. Following up on a question in the previous daf, this episode discusses the question of why the nazir might be considered a sinner? This leads us to discuss the ceremony at the end of a period of n’zirut […]

Welcome to the Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Joe Rosenstein looks at Masechet Nazir, Daf 3.

Following up on a question in the previous daf, this episode discusses the question of why the nazir might be considered a sinner? This leads us to discuss the ceremony at the end of a period of n’zirut – which involves two sheep and a ram, and the shorn hair of the nazir – and the question of whether an ordinary person could afford to be a nazir. The main point of the Mishnah on the second side of the page is that you can’t be a partial nazir. If you even vow not to eat grape pits, then you automatically become a nazir. So we digress to a discussion of what is the fruit-of-the-vine prohibition of a nazir, and what are yayin and sheichar. The daf ends with a question. Isn’t the wine of Kiddush and Havdalah obligatory? How then could a person become a nazir?

To view the text of Nazir, Daf 3 on Sefaria, please click here.

The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.