Previous Episode: Psalm 62:3-4
Next Episode: Psalm 62:6

Psalm 62:5

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.

What are you hoping for right now? Back in March we were hoping to find pasta and toilet rolls in the supermarket. By May we were hoping for an end to home-schooling. In June we were hoping for the rain to stop so we could meet a friend outside. For months we’ve been hoping for a vaccine. What we hope for tells us something about where our confidence is. If we're praying for the things we hope for, rather than simply hoping, it's an indication that at least some of our hope and confidence is in God. If so, that’s a great thing - Thank God for it!

But if our hopes and prayers are only ever for better
circumstances (more pasta, calmer kids, better weather or scientific breakthroughs) we are missing out on the even greater, surer, better hope that God has given to those who trust in Jesus.

We have a sure hope of an eternity with him, when our
current sufferings, however long they last, will feel like the blink of an eye.  We have a sure hope that today and
tomorrow and every day, whatever our circumstances, God will be with us. We have a sure hope that God will complete his work of making each of us more and
more like Jesus. We have a sure hope that every time we turn away from God to serve our sinful nature, he will be gracious and merciful, forgiving us for Jesus’ sake when we repent and turn back to him.

Let’s pray that each one of us would keep hoping in God, and find the rest that comes from trusting him.