Given the recent wave of news and attention I figured that people should probably know about this manga. The property got kind of famous among, I guess you could say, a fringe group of Noitamina fans years ago and I plan on doing a proper review of the anime, but since I have it, I […]

Given the recent wave of news and attention I figured that people should probably know about this manga. The property got kind of famous among, I guess you could say, a fringe group of Noitamina fans years ago and I plan on doing a proper review of the anime, but since I have it, I want to talk about this manga and it’s depiction of learning to perform another self within private and public institutions.

This episode is also different, especially from the LoGH episodes, I didn’t follow a script even though I wrote one out, so it may seem a lot less prepared than other episodes.

Right click, save as to download.

I also played a podcast promo for my friends at the Anime of Yesteryear Podcast. Haven’t done that in a while, I also plan on making a new one soon./