Previous Episode: Pen Is…
Next Episode: Plenty Available…


This week on Dai-Cast, we try our best to stay on topic, and predictably, fail miserably. On this show, you’ll find Ian Horner, Brendan “Beej” Dery, Adam Wasserman, and host of the 99 Yen Challenge, Coriander Dickinson.


Sony Screws Up
Cringely Comments on Sony
Japan Elects Noodles
Gundam Noodles
Creepy Sushi Candy
McDonads’ Texas Burger
More Creepy Candy
Even MORE Creepy Candy
Heavy Metal Ghibli
Skeletor’s Dick
The 12 Faces of Anime
Dune Action Figures
And Beej’s Webcomic of the Week, Oglaf


Also, remember to follow Dai-Cast on Twitter to find out when to tune into our live broadcasts.

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