So what happens when you buy a CITY? Okay well not really a city but a large estate with houses and wells and fields and stuff. What have you actually bought? This is a question that I know troubles all or our imaginations, and it is the central question of our daf this week. (Along with an excursus on slavery in Sassanian Persia and other stuff.)
So, grab a chair and a cold one, and join us.
This week's daf can be found:
1. Vilna page (Hebrew and Aramaic) from
2. Hebrew and English from
3. Hebrew and Aramaic with many commentaries from

Please be in touch with any comments, criticisms, or witticisms at [email protected]

Daf Shvui/Weekly Daf is listed in  Feedspot's Top 60 Jewish Podcasts. (We are at #22. Not that we're counting...)