Previous Episode: Parenting Tip
Next Episode: Putting the Kids to Bed

Here we are again. Another Valentine's Day uncelebrated. My wife and I do not really celebrate this Holiday. The only reason we celebrate around this time is that I have a long weekend due to being off from where I teach.

We are actually visiting my mother this weekend in Pennsylvania and we are having so much fun. My Mother got me and the fam a Valentine's Card, and that was really nice.

Today, Valentine's Day, We spent the day sledding down some pretty great hills in PA with the kids. The kids loved it. I think it is a great experience to take your kids sledding BUT, I know you knew there was a "But" coming, Dad winds up doing a lot of the work carrying the kids and sleds up these Ginormous hills. I was smarter about it this year though. I lifted properly. LAst year I bent all kinds of ways and wound up walking around like a 90 year old for 3 weeks. Man That HURT!!!!

Anyway, Regardless of what kind of day you have had, put the kids to be early and make sure you spend the rest of your night with your wife, if you know what I mean. It is Valentine's Day so now you have a reason. Have fun and Stay Tuned for More DADS TALK RADIO!