Previous Episode: Winter Blues to Blue Skies

Having three boys at home is not easy. I have an eight-year-old a 5 1/2 year-old and a one half year old. They are pretty amazing boys but they're challenging nonetheless. And each one has their own personality as well. This presents its own challenges. Although I will be talking about some of the challenges in upcoming posts this post I want to talk about the joy of being a parent.

Life is never boring when you have kids. There is always something to do, always something to clean, always something to read, something to throw and always something to catch.

Having kids means there's always an exciting greeting when you walk in the door. There's always someone to hug you when you need a hug and always someone to hug when you feel like hugging someone. There is always someone there to smile at you even when your day is not going that well. It's a good thing they don't understand the stresses of the world.

The best thing is when you're putting them to sleep last thing that comes out of their mouth is I love you daddy.