DayQuill NATION. We are here to celebrate another humpday with you. Dad jokes and intro to kick this off as usual. Big shout out to The Happy Hour Podcast and their recent world record podcast. Dad stories, deep and serious with Dome, the Travel bugs with The Stoned and the bike saga continues for Gnome. Top 5 for the dads this week, and our featured star none other than Ben Stiller. Come let us know on socials what your favorite Ben Stiller movies or roles are. We take a News break; Storm is out again but the fill in couldn't have done a better job. Lastly, we wrap it up with some recommendations of what we are watching or listening to lately. We hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to spread the DayQuill love and tell a friend. Check the link below for all our socials, merch and most importantly Patreon to come get some more Dads! Dads OUT.


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