James, Joe, Zach, and Sanchez go deep in the dumps with our conversation about yellow/brown strategy and tactics in 18xx. Enjoy the opening auction of Bill Dixon’s 1992 game 1870: Railroading across the trans Mississippi since 1870.  More train game discussion on Dual Gauge, Han Heidema’s West Riding Revisited and Dutch InterCity, and of course 1830!

JCL’s blog post on the difference between full and incremental capitalisation systems:


03:09 - Listener Feedback

05:15 – Opening Auction 1870

26:15 - Dual Gauge

30:50 – West Riding Revisited

36:10 – Portobello Market

37:00 – 1830

38:42 – Yellow Orange Brown tactics

42:07 – What game works with Yellow Brown Strategy

49:00 - How and Why?

55:25 – Managing your Portfolio

59:05 – Can you defend against it?

60:00 – When not to Yellow

71:00 – Closing Comments


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