Tuan Share so many insights and stories. Some parts covered are


- The four steps to handle crises.

- How to achieve 94+ of your goals.

- Find opportunities to serve.

- Structure your day for quality time and quality work.

- The mindset and practices of homeschooling.

- How to tap into your creative genius daily by design.

- How to go from pressure to inspiration.


Tuan Nguyen is an awesome and conscious bizdad, investor, three-time TEDx Speaker, and a master hugger. 

He is the founder of HealthGenie, a multi-million dollar firm serving large private health organizations with financial advisory services, lead generation, and communications and leadership training. 

He runs a bizdad tribe called DudeBuddha, an invite-only, anonymous community that supports bizdads in growing businesses while building deeper connections with themselves and their families. 

Previously, he and his partners built and sold a software company and three online directories with offices across Canada and serving over 100 cities. However, his passion is in bettering the community. His volunteer efforts have raised millions of dollars before 30 years old. Though he does not consider himself a professional speaker, he has delivered over 400 speaking engagements across the globe on entrepreneurship, corporate culture, leadership and volunteerism.

Connect to Tuan here:


TEDX talk 

Health Genie

Sushi bar