Previous Episode: DP87 - Mummy Sandwich

Hey it’s another episode from your absent hosts. Andy’s computer is still broken and there have been a lot of life events, so we’re doing the best we can! Anyway, what’s up with George Washington? He kinda looks weird. His original portrait that they based the dollar bill on is still hanging in the Crystal Bridges Museum in Bentonville Arkansas. It’s just too bad that beautiful museum of American art is built on Wal Mart blood money. Apparently, if you have enough money, you can get away with anything. Remember when Dick Cheny shot a guy? He’s more spooky than Danny DeVito as the Penguin.

Anyway we’re back like Arnold in Terminator 2, and by that I mean we’re coming into your pool hall butt nude to kick your ass. Hey what’s your favorite sword? It doesn’t matter, the Katana is clearly the best one. The Katana isn’t the only cool thing Japan has given us, this episode we discuss some of our favorite things from Japan (Nintendo, Pokemon, Motorcycles, Lance loves Hentai, etc). If Peaches was awake for the last 20 minutes of the show, he would have told us all about Japanese pro wrestling.

So get ready, we gonna piss on ya like a urinal. Episode 88, here we go.

(This episode contains a few misstated facts because all 5 of us are full of shit:

The emperor of Japan did not commit suicide after ww2, but the general of the Imperial Japanese Army Korechika Anami did by seppuku the morning after surrender - August 14 1945

The bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed roughly 300,000 people, not 900,000

The sword in Final Fantasy counts as a sword)