Dr. Sam Bakhtiar is a self-made multi-millionaire, champion body builder, author, CEO of multiple brands, and is the founder of one of the fastest growing fitness franchises in the country with his fitness centers known as The Camp Transformation Center. The Camp now has over 120 locations world-wide. 
Sam is the founder of the One Percenter Movement where he inspires modern adults  and youth to discover their 1% potential. He is also the host of the One Percenter Podcast bringing knowledge of successful One Percenters to help you reach your peak performance. 
He is making a difference by helping people achieve their true potential.
Sam was kind enough to share his cell number for those of you that would like to reach out him. His cell number is (909) 200-4015. 
Sam takes pride in his family. With two daughters and a young son, he is making a difference in their lives by building a future for them. His family is his world and there is nothing that will stop him from providing the life they deserve.