This was one of the most inspiring interviews I have done to date and one that you will certainly enjoy!

Mark Jennison at one point, lost everything. His money, his company, his wife, and most importantly his son.

His story reached its boiling point when some bad decisions ended by him waking up to find his friend dead.

It goes without saying, but he experienced enough to last three lifetimes. His comeback story offers perspective about how you can leverage life’s challenges into strengths.

He was down, but not out. There was one thing that kept him going through all of it. That was his son Phenixx Jaymes.

Phenixx was the “WHY” behind the founding of IAMACOMEBACK, which is a company that turns men’s struggles with alcohol into their greatest strengths by helping them take control of their lives and finally tap into their real power.

Today, Mark is remarried to his beautiful wife Kendra and they have added two daughters to the stable of “WHYS”.

In Mark’s own words, “ I kill it in every area of my life, but if there’s one place I absolutely dominate it’s with my family. They are my Legacy and I’m not willing to ever let them hurt like I did”!

Please check out what Mark is doing with his story and I Am A Comeback on his website.

Dad Up!


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